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What to do in case of Shooting/Armed Intruder or Sniper - Immediate Actions:

  1. Call 9-1-1 or 8-9-1-1 if calling from a campus telephone
  2. Lock and/or barricade doors to prevent shooter from entering room
  3. Turn off lights
  4. Close blinds
  5. Block windows
  6. Turn off radios and dim computer screens
  7. Keep calm, quiet, and out of sight
  8. To protect yourself from gunfire, take cover behind thick desks, along concrete walls, or against filing cabinets.
  9. Silence cell phones.
  10. If injured, place signs in exterior windows.
  11. Leaving a secured area:
  • Consider risks before leaving.
  • Remember, the shooter is looking for 'targets of opportunity' and generally will need to be stopped by an outside force.
  • Do not evacuate rooms or buildings unless told to do so by Building Monitor or police officer, or unless it is absolutely clear and safe to do so.
  • Rescue attempts should only be tried if they can be accomplished without endangering lives. When in doubt, shelter in place and wait for instructions from emergency personnel

Active Shooter Training Video:

Call 9-1-1 or 8-9-1-1 from campus phones. Do not hang up on the dispatcher until told to do so. Provide the following information:

  • Clearly state there has been a shooting or someone has been shot.
  • The exact location of the suspect(s) including building, type of building, number of exits, room/office number, front or side window, roof, office, classroom, etc.
  • Number of shots fired by the suspect(s), if the suspect(s) is still shooting, and type of weapon(s) (rifle, shotgun, handgun, etc.) or explosive device(s).
  • Description of suspect(s), their clothing, vehicle used, and direction of travel.
  • Condition and number of hostages, and number of known injured or killed.
  • Any demands or information supplied by suspect(s).

Who To Contact

  • Daniel Scott
    Director of Public Safety and Emergency Management
    Phone: 831-770-7013
    Building: T - Campus Safety
    Portable Buildings
